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Recent news from the TPAA community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Australian Teachers.

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Teachers (3)

Behind the Membership Fees: TPAA vs. AEU/IEU

AEU & IEU Full Time membership costs an average of $882, whereas TPAA membership is notably lower...

Media Release: Insulting Interference is Hurting our Teachers - World Teachers’ Day 2023

Today, as we celebrate and recognise the vital importance of teachers, we must focus on fixing the...

Case Win - When Teaching Makes You Sick, TPAA Advocates for Safe and Healthy Workplaces

One teacher's struggle with allergies and how TPAA helped her make a difference.

As a teacher, you...

TPAA Case Win #1425 - Protecting Teachers' LSL Rights & Other Entitlements

Holding Employers Accountable & Standing up for Teachers

Recently, the Teachers' Professional...

TPAA Case Win #1387 - A Teacher Targeted with Unfair Deductions

Holding Employers Accountable & Protecting Teachers' Rights

Picture this: a dedicated teacher,...

Nor Are We Against It, Really.

A union created to stand for teachers should focus on teachers, not politics. It should respect...

TPAA Case Win #1335 - Bullying - Transfer Fast Tracked

All teachers should feel safe and confident in the workplace. Unfortunately, bullying is not...

TPAA Case Win #1329 - Serious Misconduct Allegations Dropped

This was a case where a TPAA member was facing allegations at their school. Being accused of...

TPAA Case Win #1324 - Show Cause to Relocation

Being a teacher is a noble and challenging profession, however, sometimes even the best teachers...

Back to the Future Teaching Methods

There’s been a lot of discussions lately about a shift in teaching style, from the ideology of...