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Recent news from the TPAA community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Australian Teachers.

Posts about

education (5)

Why the TPAA is the Best Union for Teachers and Educators

What makes the TPAA the best union for teachers and educators across Australia?

From comprehensive...

Behind the Membership Fees: TPAA vs. AEU/IEU

AEU & IEU Full Time membership costs an average of $882, whereas TPAA membership is notably lower...

Case Win: Resolving Workplace Injustice

How TPAA Safeguarded a Members’ Professional Reputation in Education

Education is one industry...

Media Release: Insulting Interference is Hurting our Teachers - World Teachers’ Day 2023

Today, as we celebrate and recognise the vital importance of teachers, we must focus on fixing the...

Nor Are We Against It, Really.

A union created to stand for teachers should focus on teachers, not politics. It should respect...

TPAA Case Win #1335 - Bullying - Transfer Fast Tracked

All teachers should feel safe and confident in the workplace. Unfortunately, bullying is not...

TPAA Case Win #1329 - Serious Misconduct Allegations Dropped

This was a case where a TPAA member was facing allegations at their school. Being accused of...

TPAA Case Win #1324 - Show Cause to Relocation

Being a teacher is a noble and challenging profession, however, sometimes even the best teachers...

Disruption in Australian school classrooms

A recent Federal Senate inquiry into school disruption, has been initiated by the Liberals and...